SNS Tech supporting the work of CEFI PNG through tech implementation

“The website plays a major role in our organisation CEFI; the website goes a long way in promoting our Financial Inclusion work in the country. It is also an important platform for CEFI to actively engage with our stakeholders and community with our financial inclusion work.”

Leslie Omaro, CEFI Multimedia & Communications Officer adds the website is a great platform to also educate and inform the country about financial inclusion with the organisation’s knowledge products, projects, trainings and publications.

The Centre for Excellence in Financial Inclusion (CEFI) is an organisation that coordinates, advocates and monitors all financial inclusion activities in Papua New Guinea.

Supporting CEFI through the development & design of their official website allows for updated sharing of industry resources, directly reaching their clients through a subscription portal and sharing their news.

As part of our support, we provide training to CEFI staff on best practices on managing and updating the website, as well as basic training in efficient turnaround times when producing news, blogs and other CEFI related updates.

“I found the training to be very educational and informative. For me also it was a refresher because I used to do website management with my previous employers and this was a very good opportunity to go through a similar kind of training and get myself up to speed again. The training will definitely help myself and my team to understand the website better and make our respective jobs a lot more efficient,” Leslie says.


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