Chauka Ya Launches Hamamas Collection

The launch also marked the release of the Clean Gen Merchandise Range, set to contribute to the growth of the Clean Gen Movement and its impactful initiatives.

Kewei acknowledged the overwhelming support received during the Hamamas Collection launch. She thanked attendees, online viewers, and those who supported the cause by wearing Chauka Ya garments. Special recognition was extended to Jack’s of PNG, guest speakers, brand ambassador Kinivanagi Karo, and the dedicated team behind the event.

The Hamamas Collection is now available at Jack’s of PNG stores in Port Moresby, specifically at Waigani Central and Vision City. Kewei emphasized the significance of supporting Chauka Ya, noting that every purchase contributes to aiding needy communities in Manus and around PNG.

The Clean Gen Movement also introduced its merchandise range, aimed at supporting educational programs across Papua New Guinea. The merchandise, aligned with the Clean Gen Movement’s mission, is available for purchase at Waigani Central and Vision City stores starting December 15.

During the launch event, Web Developer Zira Saonu expressed gratitude for the collaboration, highlighting the successful development of the CGENX e-commerce website. Saonu praised Kewei’s dedication to showcasing Manus Island’s culture, emphasizing the blend of technology and traditional influences on the CGENX site.

The CGENX website, a collaborative effort between SNS Technology and Cynthia Kewei, stands as a testament to local creativity. It offers an online store for Chauka Ya merchandise, with links to Jack’s of PNG for garment purchases, presenting Manus’ geography and biodiversity.

SNS Technology, the driving force behind CGENX, plans further expansions in collaboration with Cynthia Kewei, with a vision to reach both local and international customers.

Vice President of the UPNG Manus Students Association Isaiah Lovatt, lauded the impact of the partnership. He highlighted the success of Project Karai Blo Chauka, a significant initiative providing essential medical equipment to Manus Provincial Hospital, expressing gratitude for Kewei and Jack’s PNG’s generous contributions.

The collaboration between CGENX, SNS Technology, and the contributions to Manus Province showcase the positive outcomes that can be achieved when Papua New Guineans unite for a common cause.

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